Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Google Classroom Support for Students and Families and a Reminder About Open House

Let's face it...teaching and learning remotely has a unique set of challenges for students, teachers, and families, including hardware and connectivity issues, miscommunication between school and home, and a general confusion about what is expected. I am hopeful that we can work together to address these challenges as we progress through the school year. WGMS Principal Steve Dunham made an excellent analogy in a recent blog post, comparing the opening of the school year to the early stages of a marathon. I am hopeful that we will all adjust to our new routines to provide the best education possible in these circumstances for the benefit of our students. 

In the absence of face-to-face in-person instruction, parents and guardians are our best resource to support students at home. Nonetheless, frustration levels may run high when students are unable to connect to synchronous meetings, or parents aren't sure how to help their children navigate Google Classroom, Zoom, Seesaw, Operoo, and all of the other links and resources that have been thrown your way. I applaud your efforts and want to support you as best I can. 

To that end, please feel free to check out the video playlist below called Two Minute Drills: Google Classroom for Students. Each video in the playlist provides a short (two minutes or less) explanation of how to accomplish a task that has been assigned via Google Classroom. As we progress through the various stages of this marathon of a school year, I am hopeful that the workflow routines for students will become ingrained to help us all coast toward the finish line!

Two Minute Drills: Google Classroom for Students

Open House Update

The Team Remote Open House website is still available for parents and guardians to meet each teacher. Please click the link below, locate your child's teacher(s), view their introductory video and complete their Google Forms surveys. Surveys will be open until the end of the week.

Team Remote Open House Website