This week's blog post has some news and notes from around the district as well as more technology tutorials.
District Updates
- January 18th: Martin Luther King Holiday (no school)
- January 19th: Talk with the Superintendent--Please join the West Genesee PTA/PTO District Council for a Talk with the Superintendent on January 19th starting at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. You will need to register in advance.
- February 3rd: Superintendent's Conference Day (1/2 day for students)
Elementary School
No "big" news to report. Please check your "home" building Principal's blog for updates (see links on the right -hand side of this blog).
Middle School
No "big" news to report. Please check your "home" building Principal's blog for updates (see links on the right -hand side of this blog).
High School
The next remote material pick-up day will be January 13. There will be two time frames. The first will be from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and the second will be from 12:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Items can be picked up on the atrium side of the school. Please use the Applebees entrance from West Genesee Street. Future pick-up days will be as follows:
- January 13
- February 10
- March 17
With the cancellation of January Regents Exams, the week of January 25-29 will follow the normal schedule for class days and times. Classes will run a typical Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday schedule during their regularly scheduled times.
The Camillus Optimist Essay Contest is holding its annual essay contest. If students are interested in applying please use the following link:
Learning With Chromebooks: Classroom Folder
Did you accidentally delete a file from a Google Classroom assignment? Not to worry--the file can be retrieved in Google Drive!